

Does Acupuncture Really Work?

Yes! In the past 3000 years, more people have been successfully treated with acupuncture than by all other health modalities combined. Today, acupuncture is practiced all over the world, throughout Asia, Japan, the Soviet Union, and in Europe. In England and Germany acupuncture is part of main stream medical treatments. In the United States and in Canada it is quickly becoming more accepted by patients and physicians. Because of its safety and economical aspects acupuncture is becoming the first-line treatment for several conditions. Physicians are understanding acupuncture as a superior option to narcotics. More information can be found by visiting the American Academy of Medical Acupuncture at

Acupuncture has multiple effects on the body’s physiology. Acupuncture points represent an area of decreased electrical resistance on the skin’s surface. A needle inserted at these points changes the electrical function of the body’s surface. An electrical gradient is created between the needle at the surface and its tip within the body’s tissues. This causes an ionic flow through the interstitial fluids.

During treatment                                                          After treatment

Acupuncture points are comprised of blood vessels and nerves

and often located between muscle planes. The needles affect

the perineural conduction along myelin sheaths. When needles

 are placed close to the pain site, they have maximal effect at

the spinal cord level as well secondary effects at the midbrain

and hypothalamus-pituitary level. When needles are placed

in distal points away from the painful region, they activate the

midbrain and hypothalamic-pituitary complex to release

endorphins and cortisol without affecting the spinal cord levels.

The immune system is also affected through humoral and

cellular changes.